Friday, November 15, 2013

Preschool Week 10

Preschool Week 10

Bible: This week we read the story of Joseph from our Jesus Storybook bible called "The Forgiving Prince".  I had a really hard time choosing the craft for the week because it meant focusing on one part of the story which is quite long.  If you do a quick google search of Joseph crafts you will easily understand my dilemma.  I ended up picking what I thought Hannah and Ethan would enjoy the most, so they decorated their own robes for Joseph.
The template I printed off from here.
(Jesus Storybook Bible )

Reading:  Anything and Everything.

(Sonlight P3/4)   

Language Arts and Handwriting:  We practiced the letter I.  This is a favorite letter of both Hannah and Ethan.  I not sure why, probably because it is all straight lines.

Putting together wooden letters.

Printing with chalk.

I don`t know these are called but they had to color all the I`s 
and find the hidden picture of an Iguana.


Math:  We worked on patterns using our bear counters.

Making patterns with their dot markers, a BIG hit.

They also worked on some beginning addition work with out pom pom magnets and a cookie sheet.

(Compare Bears Maths)
(Montessori at Home(Math Section)

Art:  Fall art with the abundance of falling leaves all around us.

With the collected leaves they tried leaf rubbings and collages.

Science: To go along with our study of sound, we played "Follow the Sound" (Hide and Seek).  One person hides with something noisy (we used a pair of rhythm sticks but anything that makes noise would work), once they found their hiding spot they banged their sticks together.  The finders (me and whoever was not hiding) had to follow the sound to locate the hider.  We played this for a LONG time and eventually switched to a bell to make it harder. 

Just For Fun: Play dough with a lettuce knife.  Hannah enjoyed pretending to be a chef.

Slicing, mincing and chopping.

Ethan sliced for a little while and then moved on to playing with the play dough with his hands.

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