Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Preschool Week 28

Preschool Week 28 (April 22nd to April 26th)

Bible: This past week we got back to where we left off in the Jesus Storybook Bible.  We read through the story of Jonah.  I had a craft planned but we didn't get to it so I think I will probably save it for next week. Plus it involved paint and we had already done quite a bit (as you will see).

Reading:  Hannah and Ethan reading from one of there Sonlight books together.
(Sonlight P3/4)   

Language Arts and Handwriting:  
Working on the letter X.


The did a 1-20 number maze from here.

We did a bunch of bug activities this week so I pulled out our bug counters.  Hannah and Ethan sorted, made patterns and played with all the colorful bugs.

Ben joined in to play with the bugs.  He especially likes to fill and dump the bugs from the cup.

More bug play while I fed Nathanael.

Ethan was proud of his bug work.

The played a roll and color bug game.  They had to roll the dice and then look at the chart to see what to color.  For example when they rolled the number 2 they got to color the antennae.  You keep rolling until your bug is fully colored.

They played a game with our bears.  I would tell Hannah and Ethan that I have 5 bears (or whatever number I picked) and show them that they could see 2 (like the photo above) the rest of them I placed in the barrel.  Then I would ask them to figure out how many were hiding in the barrel to make 5. We did this many times and Hannah got it quite quickly (at least the rules because she wasn't always right), Ethan figured it out eventually but at first he was just throwing out answers randomly.

(Compare Bears Maths)

Art:  Painting

They were avid painters this week.

They also painted egg carton pieces to make some bugs.

After the paint dried we added antennae and googly eyes.  Then they decorated with the markers.

Hannah also went to work on decorating a spider and Ethan made an ant. (Found here).

Waiting until everything dries.

Finished bugs.  Hannah decorated her spider with a crown because it is the king of all spiders.

Bug art.

Science: Insects
We talked about the different kinds of bugs (lady bugs, spiders, and ants).

Just For Fun: Pattern Blocks

Hannah did a butterfly and Ethan made a slug.

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