Monday, May 23, 2016

Bird Sanctuary in the Spring

This past school year we have done a series of field trips to the Bird Sanctuary.  We did 3 in the fall and then another 3 this spring.  Tomorrow will be out last of the six trips and it has been awesome to learn so much about the local birds of our area.  Each time we have been guided around by a biologist who has pointed and explained things we would never have know or noticed.  Here are the pictures from last month:

Hannah and Ethan watching a biologist (not our guide) perform measurements on a live hummingbird.

They are so tiny.  I'm still amazed that someone was even able to catch a hummingbird.  She did a bunch a measurements while we watched and then she released it back.

Cowbirds and Red Winged Blackbirds.

Nathanael feeling the ducks.  Seriously, he would burn through pounds of bird seed in a sitting.

Ethan is a little more selective in the ducks he chooses to feed.

House Sparrows. cute...

A nesting Sandhill Crane (the female).

The male Sandhill Crane stands apart from the nest to be on alert.

A blue Heron.

Another Red Winged black bird up close and personal.  They have such a pretty song.

Baby girl sleeping.

Hannah looking at the Cranes.

Once he ran out of seed he is a bit of a lightening bolt, streaking from place to place.

Three of my loves.

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