We had lots of fun with the letter V. It seems like we have been finished V for a while but that's just because we were sick last week and we didn't get a chance to start anything new.
Flower arranging:
Both Hannah and Ethan enjoyed this activities and came back to many times over the week. Hannah liked arranging the flowers and Ethan (even though he gave it it try) preferred to play with the vase and flat marbles.
By the end, the were filling, pouring, spooning and the flowers were completely forgotten.
Experimenting with Vinegar and Baking Soda:
For this activity I put little dabs of food coloring on their trays and covered over with a layer of baking soda Then I gave Hannah and Ethan their own bowl of vinegar with a spoon, so that they could drip the vinegar over the baking soda to make it bubble up.
It took a few spoonfuls but eventually Hannah hit some of the hiding color making pink bubbles.
Ethan abandoned this when he thought he might get dirty leaving Hannah to enjoy all her vinegar and Ethan's too.
More V activities:
Letter V paint printing:
We painted a square of paint onto the tray and with the paint brush painted a big V.
Next we placed a piece of paper on top of the paint and pressed it down. Hannah's job was to carefully peel back the paper to find our design.
Footprint V's.
We also painted our feet to make a V shape. This was Hannah's idea and she loved it. Mr clean steered clear of the paint but let me trace his feet with a crayon.
A look ahead to the letter W:
W letter Box: Whale, walrus, wood, window, watermelon,
wagon card, worm, letter w. and a w bean bag.
Watermelon seed counting ( I saw something similar on Our Country Road)
Stringing pasta wheels on pipe cleaners.
Water bead fun.
Watermelon play dough. I made homemade play dough with cheery Kool-aid (I couldn't find watermelon) and added some small black beads for seeds.
If your not familiar with water beads come back tomorrow for an explanation.
This looks like a fun week with the letter Vv! I love the footprint V and your print making with the tray and the paint is brilliant. I may have to try it next week for the letter Zz!
trying de v paint print:)
I hope it works out well for you!
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