Thursday, July 28, 2011

Letter E activies wrap-up.

We had lots of fun with the letter E.  Hannah has now started to request certain activities.  Warms my heart.  Today, she asked if we could chop some eggs.  Over and over she has asked to do more paper cutting.  My favorite is when she asked me the other day to make a "deduct" together.  I repeated back what she said and she got so happy.  Unfortunately I don't know what a deduct is, so I asked her a couple of times.  Finally, in a very exaggerated manner she said "Hannah and mommy make a D is for Duck".  Hahahahahaha.  This afternoon she wanted to make a bird but we made an E is for Elephant instead.
Here is what we did for E:

Explored out E box.

Hannah cut up pictures of Eggs.

Painted an Earth with water and felts.

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Chopped and pealed eggs.

Painted a cracked egg.

Did some stamping with the Tot School Printables.

Had fun with playdough and plastic eggs.

Making her elephant with movable parts.

Hannah is moving her arm like an elephant trunk.
Now on to Letter F.

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

I love her activities and her concentration, but most of all I love HER!

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